Wednesday, June 1, 2011


10) The Orphanage – A woman brings her family back to her childhood home, where she opens an orphanage for handicapped children. Before long, her son starts to communicate with an invisible new friend.
Look at that picture – Nuff said.

9) Poltergeist - A young family are visited by ghosts in their home.
Poltergeist is an American classic. It had the strong Spielbergian overtones (even though Tobe Hooper directed it) and a feeling of adventure to go along with the freaky madness. The acting was superb by all parties and it was, dare I say it, fun. The little girl going into the TV remains an iconic visual. On a sadder and creepier note, a few of the actor died including Heather O Rourke (The Little girl) who died of influenza at the age of 12 and her older sister in the film Dominique Dunne who was strangled by her boyfriend. This was later dubbed the Poltergeist curse. This is a fantastic movie that will stay with you long after you watch it.

8) The Sixth Sense - A boy who communicates with spirits that don't know they're dead seeks the help of a disheartened child psychologist.
Creepy, smart and a twist ending to die for, Sixth Sense did plenty to deserve the craze it spurred. It was the first true hit of mastermind M. Night Shymalan (He was still a mastermind back then) and had plenty of scares to leave you wanting more. An Amazing movie.

7) The OthersA woman who lives in a darkened old house with her two photosensitive children becomes convinced that her family home is haunted.
Beautifully crafted, atmospheric, well paced and spine chilling, this is one of the best ghost movies I’ve ever seen. The movie resembles an aged photograph and had some of the most terrifying images I’ve seen in a long time. If you haven’t checked it out, turn off all the lights and enjoy.

6) Devil’s BackboneIn 1939, during the last months of the Spanish Civil War, young Carlos is brought to an isolated orphanage under the belief he will be there temporarily. He later learns that he will be there on a permanent basis. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that the orphanage is haunted.
Devil’s Backbone is a true classic. Amazing visuals and fantastic acting elevate this great film – not just horror film but film altogether. The story is what separates it from others. It was inspiring, enthralling, clever, and not to mention scary. It had bullies, heroes, bombs and villains – what more can you ask for. This was more of a drama than most on this list but that only added to the suspense. It was a prime example of how to create a horror movie that delivers more than what people typically expect. 

5) The RingA reporter investigates a tape that brings death to all those who watch it.
Seven days – Now, when you watch a movie as a grown man, you tend to feel confident in the knowledge that – it’s only a movie. But sometimes you get so immersed in the atmosphere of a film you lose sight of that. This movie will scare the sin out of you. From the film being awash in blue tint, the insane, avant-garde like visuals (dead horses – shiver) and the creepiest little girl in the history of cinema, the ring goes for the throat. Watch at your own peril.

4) The HauntingA group of scientist believe that an old mansion with a sinister past called Hill House will provide them with proof of the existence of the supernatural.
Now we’re getting to the true terror-inducing portion of our column. The movies that scar you for life. The first time I watched the Haunting, I expected a cheap horror movie that didn’t age well. By God, this movie slapped me in the face with nary an apology. Talk about build up and pay off. This is true horror; the kind that parents should show children to make them atone for their sins. The scene with the old lady still makes me turn on the lights.

3) The Innocents - A young governess for two children becomes convinced that the house and grounds are haunted.
The Innocents is a flawlessly paced horror film back when horror did what it was supposed to do - horrify. The movie was based on the fantastic novella “Turning Of The Screw” written by Henry James. The kids are perfectly portrayed and Deborah Kerr was at her finest. This was such an atmospheric film it reminded of the work of M.R James. This is a creepy movie. Do not watch alone.

2) The Changeling - It was the perfect family vacation for composer John Russell and his family when a freak automobile accident claims the lives of his wife and daughter. Consumed by grief, John, at the request of friends, rents an old turn of the century house. Too bad the house turned out to be haunted.
One day when scientist try and figure out the true definition of fear, this will be exhibit B. Some may argue that the Changeling is the scariest movie ever made but I’m making it number two on my list. George C Scott carried this film like a champ. He made it so believable that we followed him without question, so when he’s terrified, so are we. Now, this is a prime example of “less is more”. We barely ever see anything on screen but, that doesn’t stop our blood from chilling. This is a painfully scary film. I’m talking cramps and heart murmurs scary. Scene to die for – the red ball. That is all.

1) The Shining - EXHIBIT A
When I was a kid, my parents forbade me from watching horror movies. But two of them were especially forbidden - the Exorcist and the Shining. Of course, I didn’t listen to them. Till this day, I still resent my Mom for not taking better care of me and making damn sure I never watched that film.
The Shining is and will always be the scariest ghost movie ever put on celluloid. The haunting visuals, the steadicam shots on the tricycle, the two little girls - “Come play with us” (I think not), the elevator of blood, the creepy lady in the tub- Need I go on. Not to mention a rollercoaster of madness at the end, you simply can’t beat this movie on pacing, the mixture of eerie and scary or for straight up demented moments. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case.